Speaking Engagement

Hear all about the latest employment law updates from our legal partners in Peterborough and the GTA. There will be a one hour open panel discussion with the lawyers where attendees will be able to ask their top questions and hear expert legal advice! Topics Recent Tribunal Decision: A Human Rights Update Corporate Email Privacy Law…

Speaking Engagement

Over the course of two days, chief fire officers, senior municipal officials and human resource professionals hear from a team of legal experts, fire chiefs from across Ontario, and renowned international speakers that give insight, up-to-date knowledge and guidance into a wide range of labour relations issues that are currently impacting the fire service. Throughout…

Speaking Engagement

Topic Enforceability of Employment Contracts since Machtinger Practical advice on how to draft, enforce and challenge termination clauses in light of evolving caselaw How recent developments may impact your drafting and the advice you provide: from early termination of fixed term contracts, to severability and probationary clauses and more Agenda    

Speaking Engagement

Dividing pension assets following a marriage breakdown is a major headache for Canadian pension plan administrators. Recent pension reforms across Canada have only added to the complexity of this task…