Speaking Engagement

The 2018 Benefits Breakfast Club morning sessions take place between October 2018 and June 2019 from 7:30am to 11:30am.


Marriage Breakdown Workshop

October 10, 2018

The division of pension benefits on marriage breakdown and the determination of entitlement to death benefits often gives rise to complex administration issues, which can be compounded by the emotions of the parties involved. This learn-by-doing workshop is designed to build and enhance the specific technical skills required by HR and pension benefits professionals in the context of a pension plan member’s marriage breakdown.

Conference / Seminar

Join us as we discuss these latest legal developments and more as we present effective tips, strategies and best practices that can help your organization stay on the leading edge of human resources management.

Conference / Seminar

Join us as we discuss these latest legal developments and more as we present effective tips, strategies and best practices that can help your organization stay on the leading edge of human resources management.

Conference / Seminar

This Advantage CPD session will provide University Counsel and Senior Academic Administrators with an overview of the latest legal developments affecting Universities.

Conference / Seminar

Join us as we discuss these latest legal developments and more as we present effective tips, strategies and best practices that can help your organization stay on the leading edge of human resources management.

Conference / Seminar

Join us as we discuss these latest legal developments and more as we present effective tips, strategies and best practices that can help your organization stay on the leading edge of human resources management.

Speaking Engagement

Overview In the last few years, reforms to pension and employment legislation have been coming at a break neck speed. More pension and benefit related cases than ever are working their way through the system. In the face of such change, employers and plan administrators must be ready to act, making adjustments to plan design…

Speaking Engagement

Topic The theme of this year’s Summit is:  The Workplace of Tomorrow. With rapid advances in technology, an increasingly diverse population and the changing needs of employees, plan sponsors need to stay ahead of the curve if they want to retain and attract top talent. How can technology’s power be harnessed in the workplace and…

Conference / Seminar

2018 Toronto Client Conference

April 5, 2018 - May 3, 2018

Join us as we discuss these latest legal developments and more as we present effective tips, strategies and best practices that can help your organization stay on the leading edge of human resources management.