
Different industry sectors have different human resources issues. Some industries grapple with the effects of globalization or regulation, others with a shortage of talent and still others with the impact of rapid growth. Our industry knowledge gives us a clear context in which to provide clients with solutions that work within their competitive environment.

School Board Management Conference

Our School Board Conference will cover a wide variety of topics relevant to Directors of Education, Trustees, Supervisory Officers and Human Resources Practitioners. We will take you first on a “whirlwind tour” of recent developments in labour, employment and education law. This will be followed by a plenary session on critical issues concerning the changing landscape in school board collective bargaining. Following a buffet lunch, we will invite you to attend two afternoon workshops of your choice.

Occupational Health

Our Occupational Health Practice Group provides clients with comprehensive advice and representation on all issues relating to occupational health. This includes: advising on compliance issues relating to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) or the Canada Labour Code (CLC) developing and monitoring health and safety policies providing advice on the enforcement of safety policies…

Ontario Court of Justice Dismisses OHSA Charges Where Worker’s Unauthorized Act Led to Injury

In a recent decision, R. v. ABS Machining Inc., the Ontario Court of Justice dismissed Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”) charges against an employer where the injured worker’s unexpected and unauthorized act led to his injury. The decision confirms that employers can succeed in defending charges on the basis of due diligence when workers…

Reaching Out – Eighth Edition

Dear Friends, Before everyone becomes distracted by the beautiful weather and blooming flowers, we wanted to provide you with our Spring Edition of Reaching Out. We hope that it will give you some valuable information that you can put to good use during the hazy days of summer. Leanne N. Fisher, an Associate in our…

Federal Budget 2015

On April 21, 2015, the Minister of Finance tabled the 2015 Federal Budget, “Strong Leadership: A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and Security.” This FTR Now focuses on some of the key proposals that are of particular interest to employers, human resources professionals and pension plan administrators. These include: changes to registered retirement income…

Webcast: Coping with Violent Behaviours in the Classroom: Safety Issues for Staff and other Students in the Special Education Context

Complimentary This webcast responds to a number of requests following our last webcast, After Keewatin: The Use of Exclusions, and reflects the reality that there are increasing numbers of students whose disabilities give rise to violent outbursts and that this phenomenon is a growing challenge for special educators and for administration. We will review the…