Dianne E. Jozefacki

Dianne was recently successful in arguing for the summary dismissal of a human rights proceeding brought against a school board. In addition to her human rights practice, Dianne appears as counsel for school boards in arbitrations, and has an active litigation practice including with respect to wrongful dismissals and disability benefit disputes.

Jodi Gallagher Healy

Jodi represents employers in grievance and interest arbitrations, workers’ compensation claims and revenue appeals and wrongful dismissal litigation. She also advises employers on various issues including human rights and accommodation, employment standards compliance and workplace privacy.

Henry Y. Dinsdale

Henry has been advising and representing employers for over 30 years at both the federal and provincial levels and has appeared on behalf of employers in proceedings in every province in the country. His practice ranges from providing sophisticated strategic advice, to collective bargaining and labour and employment law advocacy.

Frank Cesario

Frank is a senior litigator in Hicks Morley’s Toronto office. He is a strategic counsel for his clients, and has significant courtroom and hearing experience representing clients in complex and high-profile cases.

Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell

Njeri helps employers realize the potential of their workplaces through the development of polices and procedures, the design and delivery of training for managers and employees, and, when the need arises, resolution of legal disputes through mediation and litigation.

John E. Brooks

John is an experienced labour and employment law lawyer, who advises and represents employers on a wide range of labour and employment matters.

Paul E. Broad

Paul has a general labour and employment practice, and works with a variety of employers in both the public and private sectors in a broad range of areas including employment standards, privacy and information management, labour relations, human rights and accessibility-related issues.


Universities exist in an ever-shifting and challenging environment. On the fiscal front, they face caps on tuition fees and enrollment, while demographic changes exacerbate the fiscal pressures. At the same time, universities are among the most unionized institutions in Canadian society. Social media has also changed the framework in which universities operate. From e-learning to…

2014 Fall Edition

FOCUS ON UNIVERSITIES Universities – higher learning in the HR world LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Pillars of success: a “best practices” approach to post-secondary accommodation issues Top ten tips for medical information management PROFILE It’s academic Download PDF

HRTO Decision Granting Significant Remedies Upheld on Appeal

The Divisional Court has upheld a decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario in which the Tribunal ordered significant damages against the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board and also ordered reinstatement of an employee after an almost decade-long absence from the workplace. The Court agreed with the applicant’s submission that “the goal of the remedial provisions of the Code ought not to…