Speaking Engagement

It is often said that hindsight is 20/20, but in our profession, we need the tools and information to form a clear view of what is ahead. Let’s make 2020 the year of excellent foresight. Our experienced faculty of pensions and benefits practitioners will look back on recent trends and developments in this area of the law, and share their insights on what to expect in the year ahead.

Speaking Engagement

Canadian financial institutions – including banks, credit unions, insurance companies and securities/investment firms – face an increasingly complex regulatory web. Regulators in Canada and globally are imposing increased pressure on financial institutions to assess, monitor and mitigate regulatory and operational risks.

Speaking Engagement

Topics include: Labour Relations 101 Workshop, Labour Relations 201 – Mock Arbitration, Urban Breakout Session, Suburban/Rural Breakout Session, Bargaining Update, The Fire Chief’s Survival Guide, Legal Update – Top 10 Legal Challenges of the Year, Fireside Chat: “Ask the Arbitrator”, Attendance Management, Accommodation of Pregnant Fire Fighters.


Your new hire is alleging that she was sexually harassed by the VP Sales Canada at an industry event – and before you can investigate, the incident goes viral. You know how to run an investigation, but how will you manage everything else about the incident? And what happens when things go off the rails?

Speaking Engagement

Regardless of the jurisdiction involved, human rights complaints take a notoriously long time to work their way through the system. Recently, a number of human rights commissions and tribunals across the country have made changes to their processes in an attempt to be more responsive to the parties’ needs and improve the time it takes to resolve a complaint.

Speaking Engagement

Are there certain types of conduct that raise concerns about the inclusion of a confidentiality provision in a settlement or release? What remedies have been awarded in cases in which one of the parties is found to be in violation of the confidentiality agreement? What factors do arbitrators consider when awarding remedies for breach of confidentiality provisions in settlements?


In a fast paced review, we will examine federal and Ontario legislative changes followed by a review of new risks and liabilities arising out of some recent noteworthy decisions rendered by tribunals, arbitrators and the courts. Before turning to your questions, we will close with a “To Do” list summarizing the learnings.