
A one-day interactive workshop on how to conduct an effective workplace investigation. Agenda This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents. Following instructional components, attendees will work, in small groups, through case scenarios designed to highlight strategies which can be used to deal with issues…


A one-day interactive training workshop on managing accommodation issues in the workplace Agenda There’s no such thing as “textbook” accommodation. Whether your employee has a challenging physical or mental disability that impacts their ability to do the job, childcare problems that interfere with his or her performance, faith-related obligations or is in the process of…

Conference / Seminar

Agenda The Human Resources field is in constant change. The challenge for all Human Resource Professionals is to keep pace with the emerging knowledge and techniques in order to support the management team with accurate and timely information. On October 26th Hicks Morley has partnered with the Quinte Chapter and the Northumberland and District Chapter…

Conference / Seminar

Agenda In the post-mandatory retirement world, it is not surprising that recent statistics show that the number of individuals over the age of 55 choosing to remain in the workforce is on the rise. As a result, employers are faced with dealing with an aging workforce which presents challenges not previously encountered. The aging workforce…