52 Results

FTR Quarterly

FTR Quarterly – Issue 5, Volume 1

· 8 min read

This year, 2017, marks an important milestone in the history of our firm. In 1972, Bob Hicks, Colin Morley, Fred Hamilton, Bruce Stewart, Tom Storie, Chris Riggs, Harvey Beresford and John Murray were the founding members of our firm and started their practice as Hicks, Morley, Hamilton, Stewart, Storie…

FTR Quarterly

FTR Quarterly – Issue 4, Volume 1

· 14 min read

This issue features articles on; Human Resources Trends and Issues to Watch in 2017, the Top 10 Developments in Human Resources Law in 2016 and the Featured Lawyer is Amy R. Tibble…

FTR Quarterly

FTR Quarterly – 2016, Issue 2

· 4 min read

In this issue: “Bad Customer Service” – or Breach of Human Rights Legislation?” and “Lifecycle of a Rental Tenancy: Human Rights Code Considerations and Best Practices for Compliance”

FTR Quarterly

Landlords and rental housing providers must contend with some complex obligations and challenges under the Ontario Human Rights Code. These apply throughout the rental process – from advertising a vacancy, to choosing a tenant, to terminating a tenancy. Adherence to some best practices and guidelines can help ensure compliance at every stage.

FTR Quarterly

Pension plan governance has long had headline-grabbing status – and most plan sponsors regularly review their governance framework to identify and address any governance gaps. At the same time, employers who sponsor group benefits plans too rarely build regular reviews of their benefits plans into their larger governance responsibilities. They should – because the stakes…

FTR Quarterly

Preparing for the ORPP

· 6 min read

Editor’s Note: Bill 186 passed Third Reading on June 2, 2016, as amended by the Standing Committee on Social Policy. Please read about the amendments in our blog post, ORPP Act Passes Third Reading as Amended by Committee. The Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) was first announced in the 2014 Ontario Budget as a major…