The Ins and Outs of Developing & Administering an Effective Attendance Management Policy

Agenda One of the biggest costs faced by Ontario employers arises from absenteeism; one of the biggest challenges is putting in place an attendance management program which reflects the needs of the individual workplace while at the same time complying with legal obligations. In this fast-paced session, we will discuss several hot button topics that…

Social Media and Off-Duty Conduct

Agenda Social media has changed the way we do business – and created new challenges for employers. In this session, we will review and discuss: The latest case law on the ability of employers to discipline and/or terminate for off-duty conduct on social media How employers should respond when their employees become the target of…

Don’t Spoil Your Case! Preservation of Evidence for Litigation Success

Agenda When litigation is anticipated, a key issue that is often innocently overlooked is the immediate need to preserve all evidence in your possession that may become relevant through the proceedings. Failing to do so may have adverse consequences to your organization. At this Advantage session, we will take you through the legal principles and…

Quinte and Northumberland HRPA Chapters 17th Annual HR Employment & Labour Law Conference

Agenda The Human Resources field is in constant change. The challenge for all Human Resource Professionals is to keep pace with the emerging knowledge and techniques in order to support the management team with accurate and timely information. On October 26th Hicks Morley has partnered with the Quinte Chapter and the Northumberland and District Chapter…

The Aging Workforce: What You Need to Know

Agenda In the post-mandatory retirement world, it is not surprising that recent statistics show that the number of individuals over the age of 55 choosing to remain in the workforce is on the rise. As a result, employers are faced with dealing with an aging workforce which presents challenges not previously encountered. The aging workforce…

ESA: Back to Basics

Agenda With new enforcement tools available to the Ontario Ministry of Labour and the removal of the $10,000.00 cap on the amount that an Employment Standards Officer can order a company to pay, employment standards compliance is a renewed priority for many Ontario employers. In this fast-paced session, we will go back to basics and…

School Board Management Conference

Our School Board Conference will cover a wide variety of topics relevant to Directors of Education, Trustees, Supervisory Officers and Human Resources Practitioners. We will take you first on a “whirlwind tour” of recent developments in labour, employment and education law. This will be followed by a plenary session on critical issues concerning the changing landscape in school board collective bargaining. Following a buffet lunch, we will invite you to attend two afternoon workshops of your choice.

Strategic Communications and Collective Bargaining

Agenda Collective bargaining is seen as the most important labour relations initiative a unionized employer undertakes. It is a major event that will directly and indirectly impact the success of a business. At this Advantage session attendees will learn: The legal rights and limits on employer communications How to prepare a detailed and effective negotiation…

Workplace Investigation Training – London

Agenda This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents. Following instructional components, attendees will work, in small groups, through case scenarios designed to highlight strategies which can be used to deal with issues that can arise when conducting investigations. Attendance at this session will include…

Changes to the Employment Standards Act: What You Need to Know

  Materials Agenda Workplace laws are changing at a rapid pace. This Advantage session deals with recent changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA“) you need to know about. Amendments in force May 20, 2015 authorize Ministry of Labour employment standards officers to require employers to “self-audit” on whether they are compliant with the…